Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Blackest Friday Sale Reminder

Remember, 25% off Friday only!

Mark downs will be:

Merilon Sock - $15.75
Roman Blue Sock - $19.50
BFL Sock - $16.50
Meriamboo II Sock - $16.50
Roving - $9.38
Heavy Merino Sock - $12.00
Project Bags - $11.25

Now back to your regularly scheduled knitting.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Vampire Holiday

This yarn seems be doing well for itself. I'm waiting for an order of the base yarn I use for Merilon Sock to show up, so if you'd like to reserve yourself a skein of this yarn, please see here for a pre-ordering opportunity. Email me if you have questions.


Friday, November 20, 2009

Blackest Friday

I may be the only person in the entire continental US that doesn’t go shopping on the day after Thanksgiving, but should it mean that I don’t do something fun in my Etsy shop? No.

For Black Friday (November 27th for the rest of the sane world) I’m going to do 25% off all yarn, roving and project bags. The normal routine: check out, do the Paypal end of things, and I’ll refund 25% not including shipping at the end of the day. This will not include special orders or sock blockers, of course.

Enjoy, and spread the word!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Where's The Yarn - An Update

Things have been relatively quiet in my Etsy shop of late due to a rather large wholesale order that needed to go out on a deadline. As the order will be arriving at its destination tomorrow, I feel like I can let you all know...

My yarn is going to be carried at The Loopy Ewe!

This is a rather big event in the life of this small yarn dyer. I've been a customer there for several years because I really enjoy trying new things from dyers far and wide, and since Sheri has impeccable taste I feel like I can always trust what I'm getting from her. Having my own yarns reach her immense audience is, well, beyond exciting.

The yarn will take a bit to get photographed and edited, and with the impending holiday closing down pretty much everything, I don't expect things will get posted until at least the first of December. I'll post a link in my Ravelry group as well as on my sidebar when I have it.

The other fun wholesale order that I'm currently working to fulfill is as the January artist of the Month for Yarn4Socks. This order won't dominate my dyeing time quite the way The Loopy Ewe did for about two months, so I'm hoping to have new things to post on a regular basis.

For those of you who might have wondered, there won't be a November exclusive color. I was rather keen on the idea I had lined up, but time just didn't allow. However, December is all taken care of (and though it's a rather obvious color combo & name) I'm happy with the way it turned out:

"Merry" will find its way to posting between Thanksgiving and Christmas, as I'm firmly in the camp that Christmas decorations & music are thoroughly inappropriate until after Turkey & Family day. Pre-orders are welcome, though, so email me at blacktrillium (at) popculturezoo (dot) com and I'll get started right away.

In other more personal news, it has been mentioned in my Twitter posts and my Etsy front page that I'm rather pregnantly ill. To call it "morning sickness" is doing a serious disservice to the tenacity of my body's version of the first trimester, but there isn't another way to slice the terminology. There will be another little tuplet in our future around the 1st of June, and now that the fist twelve weeks are behind us, I'm feeling much better. I won't begin to speculate on how things will go when I'm too large around the middle to reach the dyepots, but for right now I feel lots more human and plan to work my bum off until I can't work anymore.

Now to start coming up with good baby boy names (we have a girl one already).... y'know, just in cases.