Thursday, March 8, 2007

Cure for the Froggin' Blues

I think as of last posting 'bout knitting, I had frogged the kilt hose twice. If I failed to mention it, I also frogged what I am beginning to think of as the blue/green monster once before getting a thrid of the way down the leg. B/G monster is a straight ribbed cuff and stockinette leg - so how hard can it be? Well, gauge is suddenly wreaking havoc with my sock projects! I thought I'd gotten all measured up for B/G Monster, but then things went south and the leg looked more like pants than socks. And NOT skinny pants. (Okay, that's just a random link, but how funny!) Silly me, I still didn't remeasure the gauge b/4 frogging, so the thing, as you may be able to discern from the photo, is still a little large. To compensate and prevent baggy ankle, I reduced a bit b/4 the heel.

To cure my utter disgust with my current sock projects, I started a ball band washrag, compliments of the ladies at Mason-Dixon Knitting. Their book is hysterical and fantastic, BTW. It is a predictably quick knit, especially because I only had one color on hand. I'm thinking a few of these with a special soap or something will be a nice Mother's Day gift.

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