Thursday, March 29, 2007

Don't Neglect The Title, Man

Okay, so I missed this (if you scroll down a tiny bit, you'll see what I mean). Can you believe it? My excuse is that because I'm working again for the first time in three years, I tend to forget that I need to ask for time off for special things. I was going to take a ball band washrag WIP and everything. *sigh*

I finally dug through my stash and found the one ball of yarn of the group I'm making that sweater out of that had a ball band left on. (From reading that, there's no way you'd guess I spent three years nearly getting an English degree.) Googling it brought me here, but the color isn't there. The closest match would probably be #208, without all the grey. Good thing I have another eight balls to make the sleeves with - wouldn't want to use this crap up come up short.

Reading other knitter's blogs is proving to be a very bad idea, financially speaking. I read this post without the proper self control. **warning** Don't follow the link to Little Knits at the end of the post unless you have a credit card handy and some serious disposable income. I "came home" with this.

Need a laugh? But seriously, doesn't it feel like somebody forgot to tell White House the rules?

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